Fertility, Pregnancy & Post-natal Reflexology

Trying to conceive can be one of the most difficult times an individual or couple can go through. Whether or not you have any diagnosed fertility issues, the stress of trying for a baby can also be one of the main causes of infertility.
Effective For:
Having reflexology during this time can greatly reduce the stress trying for a baby brings. It can also help to balance your hormones and clear blockages which lead to fertility issues. I will aim to sit down with you and create an individual, personalised fertility plan based around your medical history, life style and needs.
Included in your treatment will be the overall reflexology treatment, working the whole body. Extra attention will be given to the reproductive areas such as the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Also the pituitary gland, which is your master gland for your whole body. The ovaries respond to the release of hormones from the pituitary gland and also stimulates a build-up of the uterus lining, which helps aid conception and maintain a healthy pregnancy. Certain reflexes along the spine will also be worked as your spine carries nerve endings to your whole body through your central nervous system.
Whether or not you are looking to conceive naturally or receiving medical assistance through medication, IUI or IVF, reflexology may make this process a little less stressful for you.
I would usually recommend regular treatments over a 3 month period before any baby making or medical treatment begins. This is in order to try and re-balance the body and to get yourself into the best shape for conception.
With the exception of sperm donors there is usually a second party to this baby making process that can get forgotten about and that is the man, your partner / Husband. Whether or not there are any diagnosed fertility issues with either of you, I would recommend treating both of you. As they say ‘It takes two to tango’!
Yay you’re pregnant, what an amazing feeling, however this time can equally be as stressful and terrifying as trying to conceive. You may be feeling a mixture of emotions, have a boost of hormones flooding into your body and quite possibly have your head stuck down the toilet at regular intervals, but hey, no one said this pregnancy lark was going to be easy!
You are creating a new life, so precious and wonderful that none of that matters.
Reflexology is not advised within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy as this is the most fragile time. Therefore, sit back, try and relax and if you are happy to continue with treatments or start as a new client after your 12 weeks then I will work on your pregnancy plan in the background.
Reflexology in pregnancy can help you to enjoy your journey into motherhood and help with some of those aches, pains and ailments.
Common pregnancy related problems reflexology may help with are:
- Backache
- Constipation
- Dizziness
- Heartburn
- Insomnia
- Leg cramps
- Mood changes
- Nausea & Vomiting
Reflexology may also assist with inducing overdue pregnancies naturally and encouraging natural birthing options.
Whilst receiving reflexology during pregnancy, always let your midwife know you are receiving treatments and if there are any significant changes in your pregnancy please consult with your midwife or GP straight away.
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby. This is such an exciting time for new parents and myself as a therapist, to finally see the end result of all your hard work. Well done Mumma!
As with the fertility and your pregnancy, your post-natal self can be all over the place. Whether or not your birth went to plan, you now need time to enjoy your new life. Looking after Mumma is just as important. Many women fall into the trap, in their sleep deprived state, of ignoring warning signs or symptoms that can lead to greater post-natal issues.
Reflexology can provide you with a little ‘me’ time as well as helping with a number of post-natal issues such as:
- Fatigue
- Hormonal inbalances
- Back ache
- Issues caused by caesarean section or birth by epidural
- Breast mastitis or engorgement
- Constipation
- Post-natal depression
If you have been a client with me throughout your pregnancy then your first post-natal treatment will be on me as a well done and congratulations.
Always remember what an amazing job you have done and are continuing to do. Even in the most difficult of times, you are an amazing Mumma.
“I will aim to sit down with you and create an individual, personalised fertility plan based around your medical history, life style and needs. “