Children with Anxiety

Anxiety is a difficult beast to deal with for anyone but when you’re a child, whether you’ve heard of anxiety before, or have never heard of it, it can be a scary time.
Anxiety is something everyone experiences at times and feeling anxious is a perfectly natural reaction to some situations.
But sometimes feelings of anxiety can be constant, overwhelming or out of proportion to the situation and this can affect your daily life.
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, like a worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone feels anxious from time to time and it usually passes once the situation is over.
It can make our heart race, we might feel sweaty, shaky or short of breath. Anxiety can also cause changes in our behaviour, such as becoming overly careful or avoiding things that trigger anxiety.
When anxiety becomes a problem, our worries can be out of proportion with relatively harmless situations. It can feel more intense or overwhelming and interfere with our everyday lives and relationships.
Just like adults, children and young people feel worried and anxious at times, but if your child’s anxiety is starting to affect their wellbeing, they may need some help.
There may be many times in a child’s life when they feel anxious. For example, many children feel anxious when going to a new school or before tests and exams. Some children feel shy in social situations and may need support with this.
Anxiety becomes a problem for children when it starts to get in the way of their everyday life.
If you go into any school at exam time, all the children will be anxious, but some may be so anxious that they don’t manage to get to school that morning.
Severe anxiety like this can harm children’s mental and emotional wellbeing, affecting their self-esteem and confidence. They may become withdrawn and go to great lengths to avoid things or situations that make them feel anxious.
What are the signs of anxiety in children?
When young children feel anxious, they cannot always understand or express what they are feeling. You may notice that they:
- become irritable, tearful or clingy
- have difficulty sleeping
- wake in the night
- start wetting the bed
- have bad dreams
In older children you may notice that they:
- lack confidence to try new things or seem unable to face simple, everyday challenges
- find it hard to concentrate
- have problems with sleeping or eating
- have angry outbursts
- have a lot of negative thoughts, or keep thinking that bad things are going to happen
- start avoiding everyday activities, such as seeing friends, going out in public or going to school
The techniques used in this programme can be done by the child on their self, using their hands, as well as additional techniques, you as parent or care giver can do on your child to support them further. They can be done at the same time as each other or separately.
Your child can use these simple hand techniques wherever they go. ‘You never leave home without your hands, so you can always do this, wherever you are’.
I have written this programme following my daughters struggles with anxiety.
This programme is designed to help support your child, their wellbeing and give them back some control.
You’ll receive a 5 Step mindful reflexology routine, along with a bonus, 4 point facial reflexology routine for added relaxation, along with supporting videos to help you carry on these techniques at home.
The techniques used in this programme can be done by the child on their self, using their hands, as well as additional techniques, you as parent or care giver can do on your child to support them further. They can be done at the same time as each other or separately.

This programme can be purchased in a number of forms:
Face to Face
Therapist & Child. 1:1 session where the therapist conducts a full reflexology treatment on the child, to help relaxation. This can be done on hands or feet. £35
Therapist, care giver & child. Let the therapist guide you through some techniques. Take your workbook away with you and receive supporting videos to help you and your child complete these techniques at home. £35
Therapist & care giver, (if child is reluctant or struggles to come). Let the therapist guide you through some techniques. Take your workbook away with you and receive supporting videos to help you and your child complete these techniques at home. £35
Therapist, care giver & child. Let the therapist guide you through some techniques. Your workbook will be emailed to you along with your supporting videos to help you and your child complete these techniques at home. £35
Therapist & care giver, (if child is reluctant or struggles to come). Let the therapist guide you through some techniques. Your workbook will be emailed to you along with supporting videos to help you and your child complete these techniques at home. £35
Self learning
Your workbook will be emailed to you along with supporting videos to help you learn these techniques at home. Learn these techniques in your own time and you can refer to your reflexologist any time. £25
Additional extras
Lavender essential oil is the go-to for promoting better sleep, and it has the scientific proof that certifies it helps slow the mind to ease stress and anxiety.
Chamomile essential oil helps to reduce overwhelming feelings and anxiety when inhaled.
Frankincense essential oil signals to the brain that its sleep time.
So Sleepy Pillow Mist 75ml £20
Lavender, frankincense & chamomile are among 6 powerful essential oils to help unwind, destress and aid sleep.
Clinically tested to improve sleep quality by 33%.
Dream Team Collection £22
So Sleepy Pillow Mist 30ml
So Sleepy Temple Balm 10ml
Unwind Hand Creambalm 20ml
You can add any of these sleep including sets to your package. I LOVE the So Sleepy temple balm, I keep it in my handbag or the children’s day bag and use at will for those moments of panic.